Setting things in motion.

Last night I was feeling pretty bleak about the size of the impact out little "revolt" is having on the planet :) As I was falling asleep, Brian (my beloved) walked in and said : "hey, watch this" - So, I watched an amazing vimeo clip last night that spoke of setting things in motion. It made me stop and  consider that the conversations and the change that is happening in me, and us as we go on this journey, sets in motion things that are larger than our worlds. The mindfulness and humility needed to make these changes in our habits and inner worlds will effect everything we do, and not just the clothes we wear. Hopefully it will result in practical things that effect other people's day to day existence from colleagues and friends to the person who makes our shoes.

I have been so encouraged by the comments on our facebook page. It is so exciting having friends and family join the journey as we struggle together and share tips and thoughts. Our little contributions and efforts to spend wisely and be thoughtful maybe do make a difference - in us and around us. Lets keep spreading the word :)


  1. I am so enjoying reading the full blog - after finally getting over my blog-inabilities! I can relate to so many of the posts made. Thanks for setting up this blog girls. My sister, Penny, has been a strong advocate for ethical shopping for years now, and I have probably been slower than I would like to admit to reaching a tipping point. And the reasons are so seemingly benign, for example "I haven't got the time to research it all" is a big one for me, but the effect is still the same as if I were cold-hearted to the whole matter. So this blog and the website will hopefully help. What I'm finding is, it is SOOOO worth the time and energy for the sense of greater joy and peace in purchasing something you know is not depriving someone of basic rights. In terms of this idea of setting things in motion there are so many small things and moments and conversations (and films) that have lead to my own conviction regarding ethical shopping - so keep going with these 'small' actions... they snowball.

    My kids have both grown out of their gumboots it seems overnight. I have been trying to find kids gumboots that I know were made by someone under good working conditions. In my research the only ones made in Oz are Bata right near us on the mornington peninsula... they are not patterned in a fun way (bummer!) - but they are colourful $22 and free shipping in Australia.

    The link is

    I am a bit of a last-minute gift buyer, especially for kiddies - which often in the past has meant a dash into Target or the local chemist to grab something quickly. Maroondah Handicrafts is my new "last minute" option (except if the last minuteness occurs on Sunday - they're not open). It's a terribly daggy name, but all Maroondah-based people making some really cute stuff. Products I checked out were knitted baby beanies and booties and bears (I assume australian wool - will have to check), a gorgeous toy pig made from recycled blanket patches. Brooches, hats, scarves. They have a variety of stuff and are just in Bedford Road, Ringwood.

  2. Thanks for that Em. I must admit that I am totally guilty of last minute party shopping at the chemist and your suggestion is a great local resource, I will definitely look into them:).... and the gum boots:)

  3. Well, I'd given up on fair trade maternity bathers and a sale came up at brandsmart. I bought a pair of bathers for $15 and then discovered they were Australian made... just wanted to advertise that Ripe Maternity is usually made in Australia (but check tag) but not give the impression that I had gone out of my way here!

  4. Just bought absolutely GORGEOUS baby and kid clothes on the eternal creation site. Baby rompers and overalls came down to about $15-$20, A hat for Ethan = $10, A nightie for my 8 year old niece $15, A top for Caeley (5yo) $15. Had to put in SUM50 into the coupon section when I went to pay and they take 50% off the already reduced summer SPECIALS (only)... thanks for this tip Erin. The stuff really is beautiful and unique and ethical!
