Letter congratulating companies for their ethical practices

Below is a template letter that you could use to write to companies who are demonstrating ethical practices. Please tweek the following letter and make it your own. By writing these letters we hope that they will be encouraged to continue and even extend their responsible practices and hopefully move closer to being entirely fair trade in terms of labour practices.

Title: Congratulating you for being ethically responsible


To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to your company to congratulate you on being recognized for manufacturing your products ethically. I am very concerned about buying Fairtrade and ethically produced clothing and goods. I have decided to make it my practice to familiarize myself with the conditions under which my clothing was made.  I no longer want to merely buy clothing based solely on price and design. I want to know that the clothing I wear is not underpaying people who deserve fair pay and treatment.
Thank you for producing ethical clothing. As I result I will continue to purchase your products.


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